TRANG  QUYỀN DÂN                        ★
Việt Nam không có Nhân Quyền - Nên ta phải lấy Quyền Dân để đòi
Tổ quốc lâm nguy, Việt cộng đè, Trung cẩu lấn - Kề vai sát cánh, đồng tâm chung sức cứu non sông
⇦«     »⇨

❏ Trước đăng: 04/12/2013
❏ Tái đăng ngày: 01/12/2017

To serve

We were born to serve not to kill
Serve your loved ones and your neighbors
Communists were born to sabotage
To destroy life and torture our brothers!

We were born with two wonderful hands
To band the wounds of our country
To reach out to the hungry and the poor
The oppressed as well as he needy

The communists were born to rob
They always deny God the most high
To them the party must come first
They never care to see people die !

We were born to comfort those who cry
To be friend with those who are vulnerable
V.C. were born to turn our society upside down
To turn our people into animals !

We were born to fight for justice
For liberty and human rights
To denounce Satan and evil doers
And to worship only God the Most High

We were born to make peace
To make the world a better place to live
V.C. believe in evil and Marxist
They have caused our people tons of agony

We were born with a purpose
To serve one another with a smile
To wipe off the tears of those who mourn
To fight against communism until we die !

We were born to light up a candle
To cry with those who cry
Our light could drive out darkness
So that the world can see the sunshine

We were born to make peace
To stop violence, backwardness and poverty
To destroy communism brought in by Ho chi Minh
And to defend our country from the Red enemy

We were born to serve and struggle for liberty
To bring the Spring back to our country
So we can smell the fragrance of flowers
To turn our country into a paradise for our children to live.

We were born to live a free and happy life
So no matter what do not commit suicide
If you need help, just speak up
The whole world is standing by your side...

Aug-12-2014 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

The sunshine

Dear Vietnamese youths,
Let's say NO to RED
And say YES to GREEN
VC are bad and mean
You all should know that
Fight, do not be afraid !

Dear Vietnamese youths,
Let say NO to RED
And say YES to GREEN
Stand up for liberty
Break up the chains
Set yourself free
Let's use the internet
To spread the Good News
Tell the world
Viet cong love to kill.

Dear Vietnamese youths
Let's say No to Red
As Red is bad
Say Yes to Green
Green is the color of life
We love the human rigths
We love the sunshine
That's why we fight ...

Baky Hà Nội
April-16-2014 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

Human rights story

This is how I define human rights in Vietnam
They are quite different from the land of uncle Sam
If I love my country and speak up against the enemy
I will get beat up by VC police and plead guilty!

Do not be surprise when you read these lines,
My people have the right to keep their mouths shut and die!
Only VC have the right to rule the country
They are extremely cruel and silly!

Vietcong has become a member of the human rights council,
The wolf has put on the lamb's skin to trick people,
You should watch videos we posted on youtube
To see clearly how VC police beat up my people!

Please help my people fighting for human rights and democracy,
Day and night they long to be free,
VC regime clings to communism and turn the people into slaves,
Lord, listen to their cry and save...

Dec-4-2013 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

Human rights

Finally VC are permitted to be a member of the human rights council,
Despite they are still mean to the people
This is something we don't understand
Take a close look at their bloody hands

The UN must make sure VC keep what they've promised and signed
They must set free all those who fights for human rights
Hundred of dissidents are still imprisoned
Please save them before they all die!

The wolves are now living together with the lambs
Throughout Vietnam there are still so many labor camps
Those who are against the VC are being tortured day and night,
I wonder where are the human rights?

VC must stop being a liar,
Vietnamese people are not enemies but your brothers and sisters,
You are now in the human rights council
So prove to the world that you are really good people...

Dec-3-2013 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

Quá hiền

Dân quá hiền nên cộng nô ăn hiếp
Phải vùng lên đập bỏ mẹ chúng đi
Dân quá biết bọn việt-cộng nâng bi
Và rửa đít cho Tầu phù xâm lược

Tuổi trẻ yêu nước quyết không khiếp nhược
Tiến bước nhanh ta lấy lại nhân quyền
Chấp giặc Hồ có dùng đến thuốc tiên
Vẫn không thể cứu cáo già khỏi chết!

Bọn giặc cộng chúng giống Tầu y hệt
Từ lá cờ đến đường lối hiếp dân
Quyết theo giặc chứ không chịu canh tân
Nên lẹt bẹt đứng tận cùng thế giới

Tuổi trẻ ơi toàn dân ta đang đợi
Phá gông xiềng để được sống tự do
Còn việt-cộng thì tuổi trẻ còn lo
Bị chúng bắt bỏ tù vì yêu nước...

(Riêng tặng TTYN) ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥


We don't need to ask you for freedom
We are fighting for it without guns
Ninety millions of Vietnamese are armed with justice, We are determined to defeat you dumb communists!

The Lord God is standing by our side
He gives us the strength to fight
With His help we fear no enemy
Our only dream is to save our country

We know that you are frightened now
So look for a safe place to bound
Remember you must pay for your crimes
You can not get away with a dime!

Our dearest Vietnamese young men
More than ever our nation needs your hands
Do something practical to restore freedom and peace,
As we can no longer put up with the communists...

June-2-2013 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

Making history

Vietnam youth are making history
They will kick the hell out of VC
This is a matter of life and death
They gotta fight to end the people's suffering!

Vietnam youth are fighting the final battle,
Their duty is to make sure the VC regime is gone,
As the VC leaders are good for nothing,
They love to kill and worship Red China as king!

Vietcong party is just a cruel bandit,
They are proud to be called communists
Don't ever reconcile with them
They are there to make our people sick!!!

Do something ninety millions Vietnamese,
Struggle harder if you want to be free
Human rights that's what you love most
To regain your rights you must fight for democracy...

June-1-2013 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you!

Thanks Vietnamese youth for answering the nation's call,
Among the enemies you fearlessly standing tall,
Truly, you are a very brave prodigies
You dared to face the most potential VC.

Thank you for your ultimate sacrifices,
Your future you don't even mind,
You can't just sit there idle when your people are being oppressed!
That's why you leave books aside and fight.

Your names will be carving in our hearts and history,
Phuong Uyen and Nguyen Kha you soon will be free,
The whole world is working hard to make sure you are safe,
Don't ever, never give in to your enemies...

Vietnamese people are praying for you,
May God protect you from being hurt by VC foes,
Vietcong regime is evil and they will be gone soon,
Be happy, you are as shine as morning star and moon...?

Thank you all patriots
Thank you Vietnamese youth for answering the nation's call
Standing tall...

June-1-2013 ^ TRỞ LÊN ^

♥ ♥ ♥

No choice

VC have pushed us to a dead end!
We have no choice but fight with our mighty hands,
VC took away our freedom and human rights,
Remember always the saying that "United we stand."

Patriotic youth, do not forget what VC did to you and your country,
Truly, they are the root of poverty and misery,
They will never, never give up their evil power,
We gotta fight harder to save our loved ones and our country.

Phuong-Uyen and Kha we are so proud of you,
For you have stood straight and looked at your foes,
Those VC are bastards and country betrayers,
So all of us gotta make sure they all be removed.

Phuong Uyen and Kha, you have chosen the thorny path,
We are with you so don't be afraid,
Your are strong and brave enough to face the Viets' enemies!
Keep up your extraordinary works Vietnam will be free...

(Viết riêng tặng Phương Uyên và Kha người hùng của tổ quốc Việt Nam)

Save your country

This is how you could save your country
Get rid of VC dictators immediately
The civilized world will stand by your side
I am so sure that VC nobody likes!

My people, do not be afraid of VC any more,
As they are fighting each other and rock to the core
VC take side with the enemy and treat you badly
As long as they are still in charge you live in misery!

My people, speak up louder as the world is listening,
Show the world your wounds and sufferings
To save your life you must do as France did at Bastille (*)
Destroy all labor camps and free the captives!

My dear young Vietnamese youths who live around the world,
Take a close looks at the society of Western countries
They have freedom, human rights and prosperity,
Then you could decide what you have to do today...

(*) In 1789 France destroyed the Bastille prison?

♥ ♥ ♥

Shut up!

Red China, shut up and get the hell out of Vietnam sea,
Don't ever mess up with Vietnamese,
Go back home now and re-read history
Then open your eyes widely so you can see!

Red China, remember that Vietnamese never fear to fight,
We also never care how many people die
The Viets are willing to fight to the last person,
Only to defend our land, sea and islands!

The whole world is standing by our side,
We love peace, liberty and human rights
Invasion is what we hate the most,
Leave us alone or pay a high price!

How could you forbid us from fishing in our sea
I think you must be out of mind or crazy
Do not forget that the Lord God is with us,
He will punish all those who afflict us misery...

Red China,
Leave the Viets alone or you will pay a high price...

Baky Hanoi

♥ ♥ ♥

No matter what

The Viets will defend their country
From the invasion of the Han enemy
No matter what the cost they gotta pay
As we never accept to live in slavery!

The Han must get out of our sea
Do not touch what belongs to Vietnamese
They should learn all the lessons in the past
The Viets never give up to any enemy!

Look at Japan and see what they do
They are strengthening their military and wait for Red China foe!
The Philippines is doing the same
I just want to mention here a few names!

If China is smart enough they must live in peace,
Waging war with the world they'll sure be defeated,
Do not ever under estimate the power of the grass - shoppers,
They could knock down an elephant!


♥ ♥ ♥


Viet-cong you must stop beating up the innocent,
They take to streets to protest Red China without guns
How come you take side with the eternal enemy?
You've offered them land, islands and sea!

I have never seen any country in the world like you,
They don't turn their own people into foes,
Only in Vietnam patriots are guilty!
You don't hesitate to torture them without mercy!

The world is watching VC closely
Vietnam now is the worst country
No where is safe for travellers
It's extremely hot, dirty and dusty!

Most Vietnamese die young of cancer
It's caused by toxic foods and murderers
Truly Vietnam is like hell on earth
What do you think about VC jerks?


♥ ♥ ♥


Kudos to Phuong Uyen and Nguyen Kha
For fighting against VC and Red China
These two guys are both evil doers
We can never call them brothers!

Only in Vietnam patriots are guilty,
Can the world see their crimes and cruelty?
One could be beaten to death for not wearing safety helmet! (*)
Cong-An treat the people like animals that's sad!

Phuong Uyen and Nguyen Kha,
Blessed are you who fight for our freedom
Who have sacrificed your lives for righteousness
Fighting against communists is a matter of life and death,

You deserve all the honor for your courage and not being afraid!
Phuong Uyen and Nguyen Kha
You have set an example for Vietnam youths to follow,
In front of VC enemy you did not bow

Truly, you are the children of Trung Trieu of our time,
Kudos to both of you for being a torch that shines...


(*) Ong Trinh Xuan Tung bi CA danh chet vi khong doi non bao hiem.
(Mr. Trinh Xuan Tung was beaten to death for not wearing safety helmet.)

♥ ♥ ♥

Break the chain

VC are cowards to the Northern enemy
And mean to their own Vietnamese
They could hurt anyone with no reason
As they believe in guns and violence

Take a look at the photos to see how evil VC are,
They copied exactly what the red monkies do in China,
VC used club to beat innocent people to death,
Their crimes are filled on the internet!

Forever We'll remember viet-cong's crimes
Those crooks don't respect life
We are here to fight for justice
Together we could break the chain of communists!

Vietnam youth! the Viets appreciate your ultimate sacrifices,
For the future of our country you dare to fight,
Vietcong and communist China are two most potential enemies,
With your determination our people will be free...



26 nhận xét:

  1. Nặc danh7/23/2019

    Baky used to be a warrior of the ARVN who fought against Viet-Cong and NVA for many years . Who loves God, freedom, democracy and life.. He vows to fight until Communism is gone from the face of the earth. It's evil which came from Satan, prince of death and darkness.

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Bạn thân mến:
      Hôm nay khi kiểm tra Blog, mình vô tình phát hiện ra 79 comment của các bạn (tính đến ngày hôm nay 15/09/2020) đang ở trạng thái chờ xuất bản nhưng không hiển thị ở ô bên dưới bài viết.
      Mình chân thành xin lỗi các bạn vì sự trục trặc kỹ thuật này. Ngay lập tức mình đã điều chỉnh và cập nhật lại rồi. Xin vui lòng cho mình thời gian để trả lời.
      Cảm ơn các bạn. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành.

      Dear friends:
      Today when checking the Blog, I accidentally discovered 79 of your comments (as of today Sept 15, 2020) but in a state of waiting for publication but not displayed in the box below the post.
      I sincerely apologize to you for this technical problems. Immediately I had adjusted and updated it already. Please give me time to respond.
      Wish you all the best.
      Thank you.

    2. Nhận xét này đã bị quản trị viên blog xóa.

    3. Yes. It's true about Baky. May God bless him and his loved ones. Amen.

  2. Nặc danh9/03/2019

    Very good writeup. I linked your website on my Tumblr. Hopefully my readers will find
    it informative also. Good luck.

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Bạn thân mến:
      Hôm nay khi kiểm tra Blog, mình vô tình phát hiện ra 79 comment của các bạn (tính đến ngày hôm nay 15/09/2020) đang ở trạng thái chờ xuất bản nhưng không hiển thị ở ô bên dưới bài viết.
      Mình chân thành xin lỗi các bạn vì sự trục trặc kỹ thuật này. Ngay lập tức mình đã điều chỉnh và cập nhật lại rồi. Xin vui lòng cho mình thời gian để trả lời.
      Cảm ơn các bạn. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành.

      Dear friends:
      Today when checking the Blog, I accidentally discovered 79 of your comments (as of today Sept 15, 2020) but in a state of waiting for publication but not displayed in the box below the post.
      I sincerely apologize to you for this technical problems. Immediately I had adjusted and updated it already. Please give me time to respond.
      Wish you all the best.
      Thank you.

    2. Thank you for sharing my post. Wish you all best.

  3. Nặc danh9/18/2019

    Good post! I read your blog site quite often, and you're constantly coming up with some
    decent staff. I shared this post on my Facebook, and my followers
    liked it! To the next. Cheers.

    Trả lờiXóa
  4. Nặc danh9/24/2019

    Good post! I shared your blog on my Facebook.

    I hope my visitors are going to love your articles as well.
    To the next. Cheers.

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Bạn thân mến:
      Hôm nay khi kiểm tra Blog, mình vô tình phát hiện ra 79 comment của các bạn (tính đến ngày hôm nay 15/09/2020) đang ở trạng thái chờ xuất bản nhưng không hiển thị ở ô bên dưới bài viết.
      Mình chân thành xin lỗi các bạn vì sự trục trặc kỹ thuật này. Ngay lập tức mình đã điều chỉnh và cập nhật lại rồi. Xin vui lòng cho mình thời gian để trả lời.
      Cảm ơn các bạn. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành.

      Dear friends:
      Today when checking the Blog, I accidentally discovered 79 of your comments (as of today Sept 15, 2020) but in a state of waiting for publication but not displayed in the box below the post.
      I sincerely apologize to you for this technical problems. Immediately I had adjusted and updated it already. Please give me time to respond.
      Wish you all the best.
      Thank you.

    2. Oh yeah! Thanks for reading and sharing. Have a nice day!

  5. Nặc danh9/25/2019

    This post is great! I shared your website on my Twitter.
    Hopefully my followers will like your articles too.
    Good luck for the future.

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Bạn thân mến:
      Hôm nay khi kiểm tra Blog, mình vô tình phát hiện ra 79 comment của các bạn (tính đến ngày hôm nay 15/09/2020) đang ở trạng thái chờ xuất bản nhưng không hiển thị ở ô bên dưới bài viết.
      Mình chân thành xin lỗi các bạn vì sự trục trặc kỹ thuật này. Ngay lập tức mình đã điều chỉnh và cập nhật lại rồi. Xin vui lòng cho mình thời gian để trả lời.
      Cảm ơn các bạn. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành.

      Dear friends:
      Today when checking the Blog, I accidentally discovered 79 of your comments (as of today Sept 15, 2020) but in a state of waiting for publication but not displayed in the box below the post.
      I sincerely apologize to you for this technical problems. Immediately I had adjusted and updated it already. Please give me time to respond.
      Wish you all the best.
      Thank you.

    2. If so I must thanks a lot to you. Wish you have a wonderful day!

  6. Nặc danh9/27/2019

    Amazing! Thanks a lot for the review!

    Trả lờiXóa
  7. Nặc danh9/27/2019

    One of my favorite sites to read every morning with a cup
    of cappuccino !

    Trả lờiXóa
  8. Nặc danh9/30/2019

    Such a good revieѡ! Definitely а neeⅾ to-read
    and an eye-opener! This really ԝorked for me thanks so much.

    Trả lờiXóa
  9. Nặc danh10/02/2019

    There's obviouѕⅼy lots to learn on this topіϲ. I just like all tһe
    points you have made.

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Thank you! Wish you the best. Can you check the note I wrote at the bottom of this page. Thanks.

  10. Nặc danh11/09/2019

    Amazing! Thanks a lot for tһe article!

    Trả lờiXóa
    Trả lời
    1. Your are welcome. Thanks for reading. Please accept my apology for the late response. See the note below.

  11. Bạn thân mến:
    Hôm nay khi kiểm tra Blog, mình vô tình phát hiện ra 79 comment của các bạn (tính đến ngày hôm nay 15/09/2020) đang ở trạng thái chờ xuất bản nhưng không hiển thị ở ô bên dưới bài viết.
    Mình chân thành xin lỗi các bạn vì sự trục trặc kỹ thuật này. Ngay lập tức mình đã điều chỉnh và cập nhật lại rồi. Xin vui lòng cho mình thời gian để trả lời.
    Cảm ơn các bạn. Chúc mọi sự tốt lành.

    Dear friends:
    Today when checking the Blog, I accidentally discovered 79 of your comments (as of today Sept 15, 2020) but in a state of waiting for publication but not displayed in the box below the post.
    I sincerely apologize to you for this technical problems. Immediately I had adjusted and updated it already. Please give me time to respond.
    Wish you all the best.
    Thank you.

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